A couple of weeks ago, 4th grade started their symmetrical circle project inspired by Art is Basic and Mandalas. Learn more about what a mandala is here!
Here's how we created our own!
9" circle tracers
Day 1: Trace your circle, cut it out, and fold it in half, 3 times. I tell the kids it will look like a taco, pizza, and an ice cream cone. That will give you a circle with 8 spaces to decorate!
I tell them they are going to draw once, and trace 7 more times. They'll draw their design on the "ice cream cone" and make sure they draw pretty big. A lot will want to draw teeny tiny shapes that will be hard to trace! I tell them to do 3 lines and no more than 5 shapes.
After they draw their design once, they will fold their paper in half, and hold it up to a light source, and trace it on the space beside it. Not on the back, like some think they should.
After you've traced your first one, you'll have two to trace! Fold it in half a different way, and trace those two on two other spaces!
You keep going, folding and unfolding, filling up all the sections...
After you're done tracing, it'll look something like this!
Here's so of our awesome art!