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Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Wonder Inspired 4th grade Self Portraits

Today, 4th grade starting working on their self portraits, inspired by the art of Tad Carpenter, and the fabulous art teacher Katie Allain.  You can check out their art on their Instagram accounts, if you click on  their names. He's the artist who designed the cover for the book, Wonder!
Here's how we created ours!

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

1st grade Winter landscapes

Here's what first grade is up to this week! We've finished our cardinals, and we're moving on to a new project I've never tried before, but found on Paintbrush Rocket's blog, and wanted to try it with my students! 
This project may look simple, but is still challenging for little 6/7 year olds. They're working on their painting skills, craftsmanship, color mixing skills, and fine motor skills! Whew! That's a lot of skillz in this little winter landscape! 
Here's how we're creating ours! 

Monday, January 7, 2019

5th grade Winter Birch Trees

Welcome back from Christmas break! If you're like me, you have snow days on the brain! So I'm ready to do some snowy lessons! This week, 5th grade will be trying out this piece of art, inspired by a great art teacher, Caitlyn Thompson. You can check out her IG account at @artwithcoacht
Here's how we're going to create ours!

2nd grade Polar Bears

Welcome back! So glad to see all of you! This week, 2nd grade is going to be starting this cute lil polar bear, inspired by the fabulous Lauralee Chambers! Here's a link to her Insta account, if you want to check her out (which ya should!) @2art.chambers 
Here's how we created ours!