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Tuesday, January 15, 2019

1st grade Winter landscapes

Here's what first grade is up to this week! We've finished our cardinals, and we're moving on to a new project I've never tried before, but found on Paintbrush Rocket's blog, and wanted to try it with my students! 
This project may look simple, but is still challenging for little 6/7 year olds. They're working on their painting skills, craftsmanship, color mixing skills, and fine motor skills! Whew! That's a lot of skillz in this little winter landscape! 
Here's how we're creating ours! 

little pieces of cardboard

Day 1: Show examples of the art, discuss what a landscape is, and show examples of snowy landscapes. I demonstrate how to go from light (yellow) to dark (blue) to paint the background. I made sure we put down place mats, because this can get messy! Mrs. Susong's class did a great job today though! 

Day 2: We'll add the black trees using cardboard and black paint, and paint the white snow with a large, round brush

Stay tuned for some awesome art! 

Good job, Mrs. Susong's class!