Welcome back friends! I hope your year is off to a good start! Mine got off to a bumpy start, but I'm not going to let it get me down! Long story short, my portable is still under construction so I'm traveling around from class to class for the time being! I found this out, shortly before school started, but with the power of prayer, I'm making it through! This is my 15th year teaching and I've always had an art room, so it's been a bit of an adjustment. Because of that, we're doing a little more simpler things than we're used to, but the kids are still creating and having fun, and that's what matters!
Here's what we've been up to!
K-1st day of art self-portraits and The Art of Ed's Shape people
1st-Self portraits pre and post instruction
2nd-Same self portraits pre and post instructoin
5th- Art is Basic Radial name symmetry squares
I'll keep you all posted on how it's going and post artwork soon! Have a great school year!
I'll keep you all posted on how it's going and post artwork soon! Have a great school year!