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Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Kindergarten Matisse Inspired Goldfish

This week, Kindergarten started their Henri Matisse inspired goldfish bowls. Here's the painting we got our inspiration from! 

We used a variety of materials on this project! The students were working on their drawing, cutting, and gluing skills too! 
4x6 pieces of blue painted paper
4x6 pieces of orange painted paper
pencils, scissors, Elmer's glue sticks, Crayola black crayons, Crayola oil pastels
9x12 Tru-Ray construction paper

Day 1: Construct bowl, fish, and table. I get the kids to find the orange first. They pick it up, fold it like a card, (I go around to make sure everyone has it folded correctly) and we draw one fish on the card turned sideways.
 Then we find the blue paper, fold it like a card and draw half of a fishbowl on the FOLDED line. I go around to make sure everyone has it drawn on the correct side so they don't have a "broken bowl", and then they start to cut. 

After they have them both cut out, we place the fish on the bowl. I pass out ovals for the table, and they glue their bowls onto the table with their glue sticks. I demonstrate how to add a shadow to the table with a black crayon, and show them how to draw designs on their table with a sharpie. Once all of this is complete, they can glue their fish bowls and tables to their background paper. 

This is probably all they can finish in one 45 minute class. 

Here are some cuties from my sweet  kinders!