This week Kindergarten is starting their shark picture!
I was inspired by an @Artprojectsforkids Instagram post, (& saw it on Learning in Spain) and decided to try it out on our students! We're working on learning symmetry, folding, cutting, gluing, and coloring. Whew! Kindergarten has got this though! Cassie Stephens is right, kindergarten can be your favorite class! They are so eager to learn and please, and try SO hard! They don't care what their neighbor thinks, and they just go for it!
Here's how we made our own!
Day 1: Pass out gray and blue paper, We fold our gray paper together, then I show them how to draw a curved line from the side of their paper to the corner. After I check and make sure we've all got it, we go ahead and cut them out. We glue them to the bottom of our blue paper.
Then I show them how to fold their black paper, and draw curved lines coming out of the folded side to make the mouth.
After they glue on the mouth, I show them how to cut triangles to make the teeth!
I also show them how to trace their glue cap lid to make eyes.
I like how Bentley made his an angry shark! Too cute!!
Mrs. Robertson's class is off to a great start!
Day 2: We'll add the chalk details and finish it up!
Stay tuned for some awesome art!