Last week, 5th grade started working on their printmaking project! I was inspired by the art on Art with Mrs. P's blog, and decided to try it with our 5th graders!
Here's how we created ours!
Day 1: Discuss printmaking, show examples, and paint our background! I gave them 12x12", 90lb paper to paint. They can also color their background with oil pastels. Here'a a video of me coloring my background.
Here I am painting a background
Here's a few 5th grade examples
Here's Mrs. Kilby's class, doing an excellent job on their backgrounds!!
After they finish their background, they get a 4x4" piece of paper to draw their design on. They will start in one corner, drawing large shapes. (So many want to draw a bunch of teeny/tiny things!!) They have to be easy to trace, and tiny things won't trace well and won't show up when they print.
Here's my drawing and my printing plate.
Day 2: complete designs, put them on foam, and print!