Lily H.
Last week, 4th grade started their backgrounds that we will use in our value cityscapes! These were inspired by Painted Paper Art, and are turning out lovely!
Here's how we created ours!
pencils rulers
Day 1: Talk about value, and paint their background. I demonstrated how they need to slowly add the white to each section. (we did this with a separate white and a q-tip). I did the last section with mostly white and a little color. I made a video of me demonstrating this. (I need to work on my video skills, i know! Haha) Only a few finished this in time to start on their buildings.
Day 2: Work on buildings! I continually stress that they need to use a ruler! I tell them, even I need to use a ruler, and I draw every day! Painted Paper has a great handout, that I printed out and put on their tables for inspiration. After they traced their buildings with Sharpie, they could use the same color oil pastel, as their background, and add a shadow to one side of the buildings.
Here's Mrs. Moss' class, doing a great job!