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Friday, March 1, 2019

Kindergarten Andy Warhol Flowers

Last week, Kindergarten started their new project inspired by the artist, Andy Warhol! This project was also inspired by the artists on the @Blooming_Artists Instagram. Check them out, by clicking on their name! Here's how we create ours!

First we looked at the artwork of Pop artist, Andy Warhol. People usually recognize him most for his iconic pictures of Coke bottles, Marilyn Monroe, and Campbell's soup cans.

Here's his lithograph of flowers we were inspired by!
Sax Versatemp Neon Paint
Painted paper
flower patterns
12x12 Tru Ray black paper

Day 1: Talk about Andy Warhol, and paint your background! We used cardboard, dipped in green paint to create the grass in the background. Then, the students painted their own fluorescent paper. They were quite messy when they finished, but they had a lot of fun! I heard a few say, "this is the best art day, EVER!" haha
Day 2: trace flowers onto 4x4 pieces of painted paper, cut them out, and glue them to the dry background. We also drew 4 little dots, in the middle of the flowers with a black pastel. They did such a great job! Here are some pictures from Mrs. Kerr's class, and Taylor Campbell's class!

¡La clase de la Sra. García está trabajando muy duro!